

Things Interpretations Dimensions

Measuring Size: normal weight

Daniel Wyss

55.2 per cent of the Swiss population are of normal weight

In 2012 the weight of more than half of the Swiss population was normal according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). What counts as a normal weight? And what does the BMI say? The formula for the BMI is defined as body weight divided by the square of body height. In the 1830s the mathematician and statistician Adolphe Quetelet (1796–1874), born in Ghent, studied the constancies between body weight and body height in the conscription data of Belgian and French soldiers. He determined that "[...] the weight of grown persons of different heights is approximately the square of the height".1 However, he did not yet convert this consideration into the BMI formula used today, which was developed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Quetelet was seeking the homme moyen. He defined this average man on the basis of his statistical data, from which he derived a so-called standard distribution.2 In the twentieth century the concept that the average was "normal" and that "normal" was defined as an ideal gained acceptance. Thus, the BMI was born as an instrument of body control and self-discipline.


There are, however, reservations about the application of the BMI. If, for example, differentiated assertions about physical well-being are to be linked to the BMI, it means that basically the correlation between height and weight is not adequate. Therefore, the BMI – despite its simple and extensive application – has become subject to criticism. For example, no consideration is given to where fat or muscle is to be found on the body.3 The BMI is also more or less unsuitable for overweight children, as the age difference is not included in the calculation.4


Bibliography (for all Measuring size texts)

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Serena Lo Presti, MKB